Coder Dojo Taipei - 3rd Session (Advanced)

Free programming class for children from 7 to 17 years old.

Children under 14 need to come with an adult. It is recommended to come with a notebook, but it is not mandatory (we will group children 2 by 2 if there are not enough notebooks for everybody).

We will use a tool called "Scratch" for teaching. The teacher will talk mostly in English, but we might have someone to translate in Chinese.

This is not an academic class with a fixed plan: One of our main goal is to have the children have fun while learning. Therefore, the session's content will be mostly driven by the student's ideas, and the teacher will guide them toward their goals 1 step at a time.

Parents are also welcome to learn the tools during the session and use them to play with their children at home after the session.

Facebook group:

Taipei HackerSpace / 台北市太原路133巷26號4樓


チケット種別 販売期間 価格
Child Seat

~ 2015/07/05 16:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料

1 参加者